Henley Rewind Festival and Hurley regatta
Due to the festival and the regatta, it was definitely a day to head the other way, and judging by the comments later, a wise move due to a large number of novice boaters around. So …. we headed for Bourne End instead and with very little traffic to contend with, sailed straight through Temple Lock followed by a very short wait at Marlow, always a pleasure.
The Cratchleys were on board and suitably primed with their tasks. Both Andrew and Claire took well to the rope handling whilst everyone also dealt with the small pirates on board and the dogs that kept getting in the way.
Today was probably the windiest that it has ever been for us out on the river and it was definitely challenging at times. We moored up at Bourne End for lunch (with an ice cream van close at hand), and in the process we treated a passing barge-enthusiast to a tour of the boat.
Milly took the stop as an opportunity to get as far away from the boat as possible. She really does not like this very much.
Claire was official photographer for the day and there are some lovely photos.
Whilst I would still say my skill level is on the low side, I think we went through the locks cleanly each time. Always satisfying when it works OK.